The Effects of Racism in Medical Education on Students’ Decisions to Practice in Underserved or Minority Communities
contact and bias The Value of Interracial Contact for Reducing Anti-Black Bias Among Non-Black Physicians A Cognitive Habits and Growth Evaluation CHANGE Study Report
A Prognostic Index to Identify the Risk of Developing Depression Symptoms Among U.S. Medical Students Derived From a National, Four-Year Longitudinal Study. Abstract Purpose To determine baseline individual and school-related…
Research shows that unintentional bias on the part of physicians can influence the way they treat patients from
certain racial and ethnic groups. Most physicians are unaware that they hold such biases, which can unknowingly
contribute to inequalities in health care delivery. This article explains why a person’s thoughts and behaviors may
not align, and provides strategies for preventing implicit biases from interfering with patient care.
Context Health care trainees demonstrate implicit (automatic, unconscious) and explicit (conscious) bias against people from stigmatised and marginalised social groups, which can negatively influence communication and decision making. Medical schools…
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