Everything connected to the the Diversity Science Learning & Development Area.
Abad-Merino, S., et al. (2013). “The dynamics of intergroup helping: the case of subtle bias against Latinos.” Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol 19(4): 445-452. Despite the traditional importance of Latinos…
Abdou, C. M. and A. W. Fingerhut (2014). “Stereotype threat among black and white women in health care settings.” Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 20(3): 316-323. Abdou, C. M.,…
Approach and Learning ObjectivesDignity in Pregnancy & Childbirth: Eliminating Racial Inequities in Perinatal CareMeets requirements of California Law SB464 Looking for the course itself? Click Here .Dignity in Pregnancy and…
Have you ever noticed yourself making the assumption that an experience you had was similar to someone else’s? It happens to all of us. It’s easy to see certain aspects…
RESOURCES FOR UNDERSTANDING AND TRANSFORMING RACIAL TRAUMA A letter to users of our eLearning, Dignity in Childbirth and Pregnancy: This project and the resources and courses provided by this project…
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