OHSU School of Nursing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Capacity-Building Program

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Welcome, OHSU SON Faculty & Staff!

You will find answers to many Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this program below. Please add your questions by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. If you prefer, email your questions to [email protected].

The scheduling poll closed and the sessions for the first workshop are scheduled

Good news!!!

If you have not signed up and wish to do so, we are re-opening the scheduling!  Please email [email protected] and let us know – but don’t delay!

DEI training, Implicit bias training

What are the Overarching Goals of this Training Program?

To equip faculty and staff with the support, insight, and evidence-based skills they need to cultivate and maintain an inclusive organizational, educational, and classroom culture.

To ensure faculty and staff have the knowledge and skills needed to consistently use evidence-based anti-bias and inclusive strategies throughout the organization, in their classrooms, and in student relationships.

To increase faculty’s sense of confidence, job satisfaction, positive belonging, and feelings of connection to their colleagues and to OHSU School of Nursing.

To support OHSU School of Nursing in becoming a national leader in proactively investing in and achieving success in the creation of a school climate and culture that results in deep diversity, full inclusion, and true equity for all.

Faculty practicing DEI skills

We heard you, faculty!

We updated the Learning Objectives based on your responses to the pre-session questionnaire. The Specific Program Learning Objectives are Based on Your Goals

Faculty participants who complete the full program will gain knowledge, best practices, and skills in:

  • Having and facilitating productive and constructive DEI-related conversations and group discussions
    • Fostering  positive and fruitful discussions across differences and constructive  (vs. harmful) conflict in the classroom, meetings, and personally
    • Best practices for  achieving the best possible process and outcomes when perspectives differ  and emotions are high
  • Understanding and protecting yourself and others (students, patients, colleagues) from the effects of unfair differences  in  access to resources, responses from others, and lifetime stressors
    • Fostering inclusion, learning, and success for  students and colleagues regardless of  past and current experiences, responses from others, and resources
    • Understanding and preventing the detrimental effect  of inequitable social structure and context,  stereotype threat, mental injury and trauma, and  stereotypes and biases
    • Feeling confident that your behavior, choices, and decisions align with your commitment to being unbiased and fair.
  • Integrating  DEI perspectives and topics in your teaching
    • Identifying and building on opportunities in your existing curriculum
    • Promoting student bias literacy and structural competency

(All of the above as related to different minoritized or marginalized groups (racial and ethnic, high BMI (weight), LGBTQI+, with disability)

A diverse group of medical professionals work together enthusiastically.

What is the Program Structure?

This is a blended learning program that includes facilitated online workshops (instructor-led training or “ILT”) and independent self-guided learning activities.

This program runs from January through May 2023. In January 2023, you will complete a pre-session questionnaire and get oriented to the program. From February through May, you will participate in four online facilitated workshops, approximately one month apart, and complete around two hours of required self-guided learning activities between workshop sessions.

Faculty practicing DEI skills

What Do You Mean by “Evidence-Based?”

All aspects of the training are fully responsive to cutting-edge evidence from a wide array of relevant disciplines. The base of evidence can be placed into three broad categories of evidence:

  • evidence that drives learning objectives
  • evidence that guides our approach for engaging learners in anti-racism and bias-prevention interventions and activities
  • evidence regarding best practices for adult learning

A unique aspect of the way we think about intervention is that we are extensively guided by research on factors that enhance the learner’s ability to absorb and take action on difficult, challenging, or even distressing topics (such as racism) by:

  • Creating a psychologically safe learning environment
  • Promoting a growth and learning mindset toward interracial and other inter-group interactions
  • Recognizing the relationship between the goals of the training and your closely held values
  • Providing you with specific and feasible strategies for living your values
  • Increasing your confidence (self-efficacy) so that you can make a powerful difference
Nursing faculty teaching DEI program

What Do You Mean by “Learner-Centered?”

Our approach respects you, the learners, as active agents who bring with you backgrounds, challenges, experiences, circumstances, knowledge and beliefs, sociocultural values, and ideas. Each of these things impacts how you learn and integrate new information.

We keep in mind that learners are:

  • the most engaged when learning experiences are clearly relevant to things that matter to them
  • the most motivated when they feel they are solving real problems and learning skills they can put to work immediately
  • much more likely to retain and apply new skills and information when they are truly engaged in the learning process

Training is most effective when it meets learners where they are. We use a variety of approaches in adapting to learners’ individual needs:

  • Learners have a variety of backgrounds and experiences with inequities, exclusion, discrimination, and marginalization. The way our content and processes affect learners will vary based on their lived experiences.
  • We seek to provide maximum benefit and prevent harm by using trauma-informed and respectful practice. This includes:
    • Shining a light on the different ways topics can affect people and the nature of discrimination and marginalization trauma
    • Respecting learners’ individual agency to make informed choices for themselves (rather than assuming based on perceived group category)
    • Creating an empowering and respectful environment that supports learners both in their own choices and in changing their minds
    • Adapting activities for relevance and meaning
    • Providing relevant supportive resources

Learners are at various stages in their journey to understand the topics covered. There is strong evidence that a growth and learning mindset promotes a commitment to lifelong learning. We seek to empower learners to take action by promoting a growth and learning mindset that provides learners space to practice new skills and learn from mistakes.

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