Diversity Science was founded and is lead by national expert on unconscious (unintended, implicit biases with a specific focus on health care and health care providers. Combined, we have over 300 peer-reviewed publications on the provider contribution to health care equity.
Our training programs are::
Fully responsive to cutting edge and robust scientific evidence on both what to teach and, as
importantly, how to teach it.
Developed by nationally recognized experts on unconscious bias and bias prevention in
partnership with clinical investigators, clinical trial staff, physicians, and providers.
Adapted to the unique needs of healthcare and research settings and personnel.
Delivered by trainers/facilitators who:
Have deep and extensive experience providing high-quality, well-received, and evaluated
unconscious bias training to physicians, providers, and research staff;
Understand physicians; provide evidence and citations to support statements and answers to
questions; and
Understand the importance of, and are skilled at creating, psychologically safe land effective
earning environments.